Silk is one of the noblest materials that has wonderful properties – cooling in the summer and keeping you warm on cold days. It also absorbs sweat, which is why it is often used by travelers who need high-quality clothing. Silk is also considered a luxury product among women. Despite the whole range of advantages, silk is quite problematic in cleaning.
How to wash silk clothes
When you see the moment of silk stains appearing, you can quickly act – drying a wet place with a paper towel, removing the moisture as much as possible. Usually, however, we discover dirt some time after the fact. Of course, there are programs for washing silk in washing machines, but if you care about a silky thing, it’s better to try to do it safer, that is, wash by hand.
For silk washing you will need a regular shampoo or baby washing liquid due to its delicate composition. Add a few drops to lukewarm water (or even cold – in the case of washing with dark silk) and put in dirty material. Then translate it in water, slightly setting it in motion, without scrubbing and rubbing. After a few minutes, rinse the silk with water similar to the previous temperature. When the soaps stop flowing, pour water into the sink with a glass of white vinegar and once more rinse. Thanks to this, the material will cleanse and shine.
It is worth knowing that in the case of silk the safest is dry cleaning.
How to dry and ironing silk
Never give up silk, because although it is not such a delicate material in itself, its sensitivity is wet when it is wet. Therefore, remove the dripping water and put it on a clean towel. Then roll up the roll gently pushing down and getting rid of excess water. Absolutely not to dry the silk in an automatic dryer, or even more with a hair dryer. Let the material dry naturally on a stainless steel hanger at home. Do not put your clothes on the sun, because stains may appear.
Ironing is easiest to do when it is slightly damp and using a suitably placed iron and cotton wipe, gently move the garment upside down.
Picture Credit: Roberto Lopez