Two of the three burglaries fall on elite mansions, which means that the object chosen by the criminals is studied thoroughly. According to experts, the chances of undergoing a second robbery are significantly increasing, because in exchange for the stolen new valuable items are bought, and successful actions of robbers inspire their “colleagues” to new exploits. Therefore, more and more homes are equipped with powerful security systems. Which ones?
What then is a modern security system? Recently, integrated integrated systems have become increasingly popular. Such systems are, first of all, four main components: perimeter protection of the site, protection of building facades, security of premises and fire alarm. Without the last today, no security system can do, because it does not make sense for a private house to design separately.
The sensors of various subsystems (security, fire, etc.) are connected to the receiving and monitoring device. They are responsible for arming the object and transmitting the alarm signal in case of danger. In order for the user to quickly navigate, receiving a signal, the protected object is divided into territorial zones, as well as zones by the type of alarm (for example, fire zones). In addition, the receiving and monitoring device performs the function of supplying the supply voltage to the sensors.
Note also that any security system must necessarily be provided by an uninterruptible power supply. Otherwise, no matter how complicated it may be, the elementary disconnection of electricity can reduce all efforts to no.
Invasion from outside
To protect the private house, invisible infrared rays can be used.
The next component of the security system is the protection of the building’s facade, i.e. prevention of intrusion of intruders into the house. As the experience of companies involved in security systems, sensors of broken glass, infrared sensors, movement inside the building is not enough to provide full comfort to the residents of the house. Similar sensors can detect a perpetrator who has already penetrated into the house, whereas the task of a fully equipped security system is not to allow him to enter the house. For this, up to 12 infrared motion detectors are installed on the exterior walls of the building, forming a security zone. Such a not-so-widespread version of protection may turn out to be a surprise for the attacker.
A question may arise: if the penetration of the offender into the house is prevented by the front guard system, then why establish the internal one? As a rule, the internal system is used to protect especially important areas inside the building. Such areas include, for example, technical rooms (boiler room, electrical switchboard, water supply system), an office with a safe, a living room decorated with valuable pieces of art, etc. Or just for reinsurance. Usually already mentioned motion sensors, broken glass sensors, as well as magnetic-contact door sensors are used. Moreover, the higher the quality of the sensors, the more likely that they will not bother owners with a reaction to pets and small rodents.
Danger from within
Arson accounts for 60% of residential property fires (in half of cases, adolescents become arsonists). The remaining 40% are due to the forgetfulness of the tenants of the house, the malfunction of household appliances, gas leakage. In any case, the security system should include fire protection. Especially it concerns such premises, as a boiler-house, an electrical board, etc.
There are types of fire detectors, such as thermal, smoke and reacting to both. And thermal sensors can react both to a certain temperature, and to its drop. Obviously, the latter option is preferable, since the private house has a relatively small area, and it is dangerous to wait until the high temperature caused by the fire reaches the value set on the sensor.
By the way, the fire alarm system can be equipped with automatic fire extinguishing means. True, most systems that allow to extinguish the flame are unsuitable for use in living quarters. For a private home, it is advisable to use a powder fire extinguishing system that distinguishes environmental safety in combination with a low price and ease of maintenance. Modules of such a system can be switched on either by the signal from the fire detectors (ie in the electric start mode) or by exceeding the critical temperature (self-starting). It is also possible to start in manual mode.
In addition to the fire system, it makes sense to install and gas sensors, which can warn about the leak.
Everything’s under control
What will be the actions of the tenants of the house or security service if an alarm has been received? To get more specific information about what happened, the security television system will allow. Unlike common simple systems (one or two cameras and a monitor), the more sophisticated ones consist of quite a large number of recording devices, as well as multiplexers that allow processing video signals. It is not necessary to sit in front of the monitors 24 hours a day, fearing to miss anything that threatens the security of tenants. Placed on the relevant site, the camera can be turned on by an alarm.
In order for the CCTV system to perform its functions and at the same time not to limit the personal freedom of the owners of the house, it is necessary to think carefully about the location of the cameras. As a rule, cameras are installed on driveways, car parks, gates and entrance doors, staircases, entrances to the attic and the basement, the black entrance, fire hazardous areas, garages, halls, and places suitable for shelter. Moreover, at night all areas where surveillance cameras are installed should be illuminated. Otherwise, you will have to use infrared projectors, invisible to the human eye, but allowing the camera to record everything that is happening.
Some security systems include such executive elements (devices that transmit a danger signal to the user or security service) that transmit information over the telephone network, the Internet or the GSM channel. This allows the owner of the house to obtain information about his state (including viewing video in on-lime mode) anywhere in the world.
The security system of the house can vary considerably in complexity and completeness.
Image credit: PhotoMIX-Company